Tuesday, June 7, 2011

June 8

There are two fan bases that need to shut up – the San Francisco Giants and the Boston Bruins.

The Giants fans are still pissed their catcher, and best player, Buster Posey is out for the year with a broken leg because of a collision at home.

They want suspensions, fines and rule changes after Scott Collins ran him, but to be quite honest, if you look at the tape again, it was bad positioning by Buster that led to his leg breaking.

I like Buster, I think he’s one of the best catchers in the National League, but his leg got caught in an awkward spot and he fell even more awkwardly – that’s the truth.

Even Johnny Bench, the greatest catcher of all time, said so.

Now I feel bad for Collins who has apologized several times, saying he was just making a baseball play. It was vicious, he left his feet to make the hit, but this kid has been getting DEATH THREATS since the boy check he delivered.

No kid should be punished that way and you’d think after the Brian Stow incident, Giants fans may realize they are taking it a bit far.

The Bruins fans meanwhile are still hollering about the Alex Burrows “biting” incident and thinking the Canucks forward should be strung up from the Pesky Pole in right field at Fenway.

It’s pretty obvious there was some intent, but it sure doesn’t look like he was going to even get to the skin the way he was clamping down and let’s be realistic, the facewash is one of the most overused, wimpy ways of doing some agitating after the whistle – either be a man and hit him or don’t do anything. The putting your hand in his face like you’re smashing a whipped cream pie on him is overdone.

Fans SHOULD be upset with the hit by Aaron Rome – but justice is served in that case with the four game suspension for the late hit. He will not be back this season. And that will be yet another topic for the blue ribbon panel to discuss about Rule 48.

This headshot/late hit conversation has gone on too long, either ban checking and physical contact completely, or Police it so you’d be a damn fool to even put your toes in the water of that rule.

That’s why those two fan bases need to zip it – and that’s MDS.

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